Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hemorrhoid Treatment - Ease Your Pain at Home

Hemorrhoids hurt! But the not so bad news is that they are treatable and relief is available. Read on to find out how to cure your hemorrhoids.

Preventing hemorrhoid flare ups is as important as treating them when they do occur. Check the list below and make sure you're not doing any of the following:

* Consuming foods that make hemorrhoids worse, like caffeine, any sort of alcohol, nuts or spicy items
* Wiping or rubbing too hard after eliminating
* Pushing or straining when trying to "go"
* Standing or sitting in the same place for long periods of time. Try to move or shift your position.

Everything in the list above will make your hemorrhoids worse, so stop doing them if you are. Next, we'll look at ways of eating that can help improve your hemorrhoids.

* Avoid any food, including those listed above, that seems to make your hemorrhoids worse
* Eat more fiber. Fiber will make it easier to "go" and you won't need to push or strain.
* Make sure you're drinking enough water, 8-10 glasses each day. This too will make it easier to "go".

If your hemorrhoid symptoms worsen, make sure you treat them as soon as possible. Left untreated, hemorrhoids will only get worse.

There are several medicines available at the drugstore just for hemorrhoids, but most aren't safe for use over a week or so. Make sure you read the labels to avoid damage to your anal tissue.

Instead, consider hydro cortisone creams. These are anti-inflammatories, so they'll help bring your hemorrhoids down.

You can also use a soothing cream for pain relief containing zinc oxide. Diaper rash creams for babies contain zinc oxide and can help lessen your suffering.

Aerosol sprays are sometimes available that have numbing properties.

You'll also want to make sure your patting down the area rather then wiping or rubbing after going to the bathroom. Baby wipes can be a great solution here, as they are gentle on your skin.

Icing your hemorrhoids, followed by 10 minutes of a warm compress can provide significant pain relief, as can a sitz bath. If your hemorrhoids are really bad, you may want to take to bed rest. It will relive pressure on your anal muscles and help relieve your hemorrhoids.

Moisture is a bad thing for hemorrhoids, so wear cotton undergarmets to keep yourself dry. If you're using any hygiene products that have dyes or perfumes, stop. They'll only irritate your skin more.

These simple steps will help your hemorrhoids, but always ask a doctor before starting any new medical treatments.

How to buy a diaper bag

Begin by selecting a type of diaper bag.

Traditional Bag: The traditional diaper bags come in a variety of sizes, small for short trips to the store, a bottle and some diapers and hold much more change of clothes, bottles and food holders and accessories, so that everything organized. The traditional diaper bag is generally rectangular in size and has long shoulder straps should be transferred.

Tote: A Diaper Toteis smaller diaper bag that sometimes features less pockets and accessories than traditional diaper bags. A diaper tote commonly features two handles and is most similar looking to a woman's pocket book.

Backpack: The diaper backpack is the most common form of diaper bag preferred by new fathers. The diaper backpack most resembles the backpacks worn by children going to school or hikes on the trail.

Sling: The sling diaper bag Characteristics of a single volume, to be actually carried over the shoulder. The diaper bag sling has many of the same features but with only one backpack strap.

Messenger: The messenger bag is the ultimate form of diaper bag on the market today. The messenger diaper bag should be worn on the shoulders of the shoulder and the whole body with the weight distributed on the bag the length of the back and not long.

The basic functions thatneed:

Material: Choosing your diaper bag material is important because it will determine the longevity of the bag.

Changing Pad: Most diaper bags include a changing pad. It is very important to make sure that the changing pad can be cleaned easily by changing the cover or wiped clean.

Pockets: A variety of pockets are essential to holding, food, diapers, wipes and ointments and creams.

Bottle Holders: Bottle holders are a necessity in any diaper bag for keeping baby bottle from leaking and otherwise getting thrown around in the diaper bag.

Straps: It is important to look for padded straps when choosing a diaper bag stocked full of your baby's essentials.

How much will I spend?

Diaper bags range in price from $20 to even over $200, depending on the fabrics, materials and accessories included.

Having these basics on hand, will help you choose the perfect diaper bag to fit your busy lifestyle. Shopping for your new diaper bag could not easier - you no longer have to hunt around at your nearest baby store to get the best variety of diaper bags. Shopping online for diaper bags is the easiest and best way to get the largest variety and the most information about diaper bags on the market today. Whichever diaper bag you choose, be sure to keep it well stocked - and you and your baby will be happy during any outdoor Adventure.